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Praacheen Vidhaan: Henna & Indigo (Pack of 2)

Original price was: ₹640.00.Current price is: ₹620.00.

What’s in the pack?

This bundle consists of 2 packs each of henna and indigo of 400gm(100*4).

Why choose this?

Dyeing hair is the most common way to colour grey hair and has become a part of the hair care routine for most people. Conventional hair dye is made with harmful chemicals that are put directly on the scalp each time hair is dyed, either at home or in the salon. Harmful ingredients in hair dyes areĀ  Ammonia, Peroxide, Resorcinol, Sulphates, Paraphenylenediamine(PPD) etc, which cause harmful effects including skin allergies, hair loss, cancer, renal failure, respiratory problems, scalp infections, toxicity in blood etc. So we can shift to natural hair dyes and protect your health.

Henna is the go-to ingredient for the hair colouring needs of every natural hair care enthusiast and it’s one of the oldest dyes known to mankind. Apart from dyeing Henna can be used to maintain overall hair health. Conditioning, repairing damage, balancing pH levels, reducing dandruff etc are just some of the many benefits that henna offers. Lawsone is the main active ingredient in henna (Lawsonia inermis). When lawsone is high, henna is considered to be of the best quality and Pracheen Vidhaan henna powder has the same. The versatile hair care ingredient – the Henna – can be used to maintain overall hair health. Conditioning, repairing damage, and balancing pH levels, reducing dandruff, etc, are just some of the many benefits that henna offers.

Indigo is also a natural dye that is obtained from the plant Indigofera tinctoria. Indigo powder is a dye that comes from the crushed leaves of the indigo plant. It is a natural dye that can be used to colour your hair with or without henna. It is green in appearance, and when it is soaked, it turns into a bluish black tint. It is known to be one of the oldest dyes to be used for textile dyeing, printing, and hair colouring.

Indigo is the safe bet when it comes to natural hair colouring. Indigo, when used(as top coat) with henna (as base coat), will produce a black colour dye on hair strands

Usage Instructions:

DAY 1 Take the required quantity of the henna powder in a bowl. Make a paste by mixing it with water. Leave the mixture for at least 6 hours. Apply over hair and scalp, leave it for at least 2 hours and rinse.

DAY 2 Make a paste with water or blue pea flower tea, Leave the mixture for 5 mins, once you see a colour change apply on hair strands for a minimum 2hrs and rinse with plain water. Adding 25% Bhringraj powder to 75% Indigo will help the dye last longer. Always use henna as the base coat and Indigo as a top coat to achieve a black colour on grey hair. Post application don’t use any shampoo or hair wash powders to wash hair strands for a min 48hrs.

Key Features

  • Promotes hair growth
  • Controls dandruff and hair loss
  • Improves shine, thickness and overall health of hair
  • Provides cooling to the scalp
  • Natural Dye


Henna + Indigo